Contact details
General Enquiry Email
General Enquiry Phone
1300 262 820
Please note, we are not a general help line nor able to assist with immediate crisis intervention.
We can advise on catching a direct bus to near our facility from the airport and meet you at the bus.
Our clients come from all states and capital cities including Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra and Darwin. Often it is good to remove the sufferer from their normal place of abode to create a gap to help them focus on their recovery and not what is occurring with their family and friends.
We provide treatments for alcohol addiction, ice addiction, cocaine addiction, heroin addiction and other drugs at our facility in Geelong (a short drive from Melbourne). We also encourage clients to come from interstate, like Adelaide or Sydney, because getting away from home and the associated triggers is always a good idea. Our point of difference is that the multi-dimensional recovery approach is the most comprehensive treatment program available. We offer residential drug and alcohol rehab combined with supportive accommodation.