Drug & Alcohol Rehab Melbourne
We Exist to Help - Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Habitat Therapeutics: Private Hospital, Rehabilitation & Detox

(Private Health Insurance May Assist)
We believe we offer one of the best and most successful programs of recovery in Australia. Enquire now →

Rehab Port Campbell: Your Pathway to Lasting Recovery

In the beautiful coastal town of Port Campbell, Victoria, a life-changing journey is within reach. At Habitat Therapeutics, we offer world-class drug rehabilitation services, providing a ray of hope for those grappling with the throes of addiction. If you or your loved one is seeking a rehab in Port Campbell, know that our doors are always open.

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Residential rehab

Read about our residential drug & alcohol rehab options.


Learn about our options for drug & alcohol detox.

Family support

Information for families & the support we can offer.

Ongoing care

Learn about how we continue to support people after they leave.

Employee assistance

Learn about how we can help organisations to support employees.

See inside Habitat

Take a quick 60 second tour of the Habitat Therapeutics Private Hospital and see why we're a great place to start your recovery from addiction.

Choosing Rehab Port Campbell

The decision to enter rehab is not always an easy one, but it is a crucial first step towards a healthier, happier life. Our rehab centre in Port Campbell provides a supportive environment where you can confront and overcome addiction. Our compassionate team, led by experienced medical professionals, is committed to guiding you on your journey to recovery.

A Comprehensive Approach to Rehabilitation

At Habitat Therapeutics, we understand that addiction is a complex disease, and its treatment requires a comprehensive, multi-dimensional approach. We believe in a holistic approach to recovery, offering evidence-based therapies tailored to each individual's unique needs. Our drug rehab in Port Campbell covers a range of services, including detoxification, counselling, and aftercare planning, aimed at providing lasting recovery.

Experience the Serenity at Rehab Centre Port Campbell

Located in the tranquil coastal town of Port Campbell, our rehab centre is a sanctuary where you can focus on healing. The serene setting fosters relaxation, introspection, and mindfulness, all essential elements in the recovery process. The ocean's calming presence and the area's natural beauty can serve as a powerful backdrop for your journey to sobriety.

Why Choose Habitat Therapeutics?

When you choose our rehab centre in Port Campbell, you're choosing to put your recovery first. We provide a supportive, compassionate environment designed to foster lasting change. With access to a comprehensive suite of recovery services and a team of dedicated professionals, you can rest assured that you're in capable hands at Habitat Therapeutics.

Bridging the Journey to Recovery

No matter where you are in Victoria, recovery is within reach. We have a network of rehabilitation centres across the state, including rehab Torquay, rehab Bendigo, and rehab Ballarat, all offering the same high standard of care. We believe that geographical location should not be a barrier to accessing quality rehab services, which is why we offer pickup and drop-off from Melbourne & the airport.

Reviews from happy clients

A Lifeline in Drug Rehab Port Campbell

Our drug rehab services in Port Campbell cater to individuals struggling with various types of substance abuse. Whether you are dealing with alcohol, opioids, stimulants, or other drugs, our team is ready to provide the comprehensive support you need. We equip you with the tools and strategies needed to combat cravings, manage stress, and maintain your sobriety in the long term.

Embrace a New Beginning

Rehab is not only about overcoming addiction but also about beginning a new chapter in your life. Our rehab centre in Port Campbell focuses on helping you rediscover yourself, away from the influence of substances. We work with you to identify your strengths, rebuild your self-esteem, and develop new, healthy coping mechanisms. You'll also learn essential life skills that will enable you to live a fulfilling life, free from the shackles of addiction.

Community and Connection

At Habitat Therapeutics, we believe in the power of community and connection. Our rehab in Port Campbell fosters an environment where you can form meaningful connections with others who are on a similar journey. These relationships often provide a source of strength, inspiration, and understanding, and can play a vital role in your recovery process. Additionally, our team maintains a strong bond with our clients even after they leave our care, ensuring you have ongoing support as you navigate life after rehab.

Remember, it's never too late to seek help for addiction. By reaching out to Habitat Therapeutics, you're taking the first step on a life-changing journey towards sobriety. We're here to support you every step of the way, offering compassion, expertise, and a comprehensive approach to recovery.

Taking the First Step Towards Recovery

The journey to recovery may seem daunting, but with the right support, it is entirely achievable. By choosing rehab Port Campbell, you are not only taking the first step towards recovery but also giving yourself the chance to reclaim your life from the grips of addiction.

Don't let addiction hold you back from living a fulfilling life. Reach out to Habitat Therapeutics at 1300 262 820 today and take that first brave step towards your journey to recovery. Let us walk with you on your path towards health, healing, and happiness.

Contact us: 1300 262 820

We offer pickup and drop-off from Melbourne & the airport.